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First International Conference of the Saudi Society.

Princess Noura bint Abdulrahman University is pleased to host the “First International Conference of the Saudi Society.”
This conference is appropriate
Applied Sciences and the College of Sciences” under the title “Sciences in the Service of Society and the Environment.” Y
An exceptional forum for local and international researchers to present and discuss their scientific research in the fields of applied sciences diverse.


sponsors & Partners

Gold sponsor

Silver sponsor

Hospitality sponsors

Partner sponsor


Prof. Hussam Khonkar

Faculty member at Swansea University

Abdullah Mohammad Al-Wabli

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors


We seek to be an international platform A pioneer where science integrates with needs Society, direct our efforts towards innovation Sustainability to enhance quality of life and protect resources It connects Natural. Or we aspire to be a bridge B Applied Sciences and Higher Societies To achieve sustainable and comprehensive development that preserves Environmental balance and meets the needs of generations Current and future.


Facilitating dialogue and cooperation between academics, Researchers, practitioners and industry experts to create Innovative and applicable solutions to environmental challenges And social. We are committed to transferring scientific knowledge And transform them into practical strategies that contribute to... Sustainable development and improving the quality of life.


Strengthening international cooperation

The conference seeks to enhance the interconnections and complementarities between...Local and international bodies specialized in the fields of scienceVarious applications, which contributes to enhancing cooperationInternational in the field of scientific research.

Community service

The conference encourages specialists in the fields of scienceApplied to providing solutions and their contributions to the solutionCommunity problems and meeting its needs, which enhances the role of researchScientific service in the service of society.

Exchange knowledge and experiences

The conference aims to provide opportunities for local researchersAnd internationals to present and discuss their scientific research, which contributesIn building and renaissance of society through the exchange of knowledgeAnd experiences.

Development of applied sciences

The conference aims to activate the participation role of universitiesLocal, Arab and international development of applied sciencesIn line with modern technical development, thus improvingQuality research and innovations in this field

Promoting scientific marketing

The conference aims to raise the efficiency of marketing research outputsScientific knowledge in the field of applied sciences, throughHighlighting scientific innovations and discoveriesthat emerge from this conference, strengthening their ability to influenceIn society and the environment.

Key Information

About the conference


Important Dates


Conference brochure

Scientific participation - scientific paper

Scientific participation - scientific poster

Courses & Workshop

Conferece Venue

World and Science Magazine 1

World and Science Magazine 2

All rights reserved to the Saudi Society for Applied Sciences 2024